Your specialist shop for barefoot shoes

 in Bonn

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Barefoot shoes for children and adults

The first two years of your child's life are particularly exciting. It learns something new almost every day. And it is fascinating to observe the individual development steps: the first conscious smile, the first mash, the first time turning and later crawling, the first words
and the first steps. This milestone is probably the greatest for all parents
Because it often takes months for your child to make the transition from shimmying along the edge of the table to the first independent paddling.

If your child then walks freely and safely after a while - that's exactly the perfect time to deal with the subject of shoes.

barefoot shoes are ideal for supporting the healthy foot development of your child. In my shop Fräulein Barfuss, your specialist shop for barefoot shoes in Bonn, you will find a large selection of well-known and sustainable manufacturers.

Why you should buy barefoot shoes in Bonn

Going barefoot is the healthiest way to walk - especially as a child. Barefoot running is particularly important for beginners. They train their muscles and tendons. They also get to know different surfaces, which has a positive effect on sensory perception. The more often a child goes barefoot, the better it is for their feet.

In BarfYour child moves in shoes as if they were not wearing shoes. These shoes have no footbed, have a flexible and thin sole, are made of soft and elastic material and are light as a feather. Therefore, barefoot shoes from Bonn are ideal for promoting the growth of healthy children's feet.

zero paragraph

flexible Minimalsohle

maximum toe freedom


Like the small ones, so are the big ones

We parents should also attach importance to good shoes for the sake of our feet. That's why I'm continuously expanding my range of barefoot shoes in Bonn with models for adults. As a competent contact person for barefoot shoes in Bonn, I will answer all your questions about barefoot shoes. Because when you switch from regular footwear to barefoot shoes, there are a few things to consider at the beginning.

You know what? book an appointment for your child and you and come to my shop in Buchholz. After all, it's only a stone's throw away by car. I take my time for a detailed consultation. Because buying barefoot shoes from Fräulein Barfuss in Bonn means making no compromises.

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